
Monday Jun 28, 2021
All the Pride with Nandi Kayyy
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Nandi Kayyy is a Queer, southern-born, non-binary musician & activist with a passion for Black liberation, soul music, and fried chicken. Nandi is the frontman of Nandi Kayyy & The They Agenda, an Alternative R&B band as well as the host of the 'Black Friends Dinner' podcast. Nandi serves as project manager at Hope & Hard Pills, a media collective founded by Andre Henry providing practical insight on racial justice and on the advisory board of the Speaking of Racism Podcast. Nandi’s passion for equity spills over into their work in technology. Nandi is the Associate Product Manager at AboveBoard, a software technology company dedicated to increasing representation of underrepresented groups in executive leadership.

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Juneteenth: Repair, Revelations and Reverence
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
June 19 marks Juneteenth, a day of remembrance for the Black community, specifically recognizing Emancipation Day. And while HIStory tells us on June 19, 1865, General Order No. 3 was read in Galveston, Texas there is so much more to be revealed. Historian, conflict mediator and podcast creator Lettie Shumate helps us impact the much deeper lessons and legacy of the sacred day.

Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Past work he’s been involved with looked at shifting from a multicultural approach to counseling to one of cultural democracy that invites people to heal in mediums that are culturally near. His most recent work involves incorporating the work of Black abolitionist scholars into psychotherapy, community healing, and uprising. His writing has focused on the use of rap music in narrative therapy, working with persons entangled in the criminal injustice system in ways that maintain their dignity, narrative practice stories as pedagogy, a co-created questioning practice called reunion questions, and community healing strategies. He is currently co-authoring the first book on Contemporary Narrative Therapy with David Epston and Tom Carlson. He has been fortunate to run workshops and speak in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Policing in the Mental Health Industry with Ji-Youn Kim & Gabes Torres
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Ji-Youn (she/her) is a justice-oriented therapist of Corean ancestry, located in what is colonially known as Vancouver, Canada. With collective liberation as her vision, she aims to disrupt oppressive practices of the mental health industry and its complicities, and envision new ways of mental health care rooted in abolition and community. She also deeply believes in embodied joy, ease, and liberation while in the pursuit of collective liberation.
Follow Ji-Youn on @itsjiyounkim
Thank you to Ellen Cline and Bryan Brown for offering their wisdom in sharing how they practice antiracism and decolonizing work in their clinical and healing practices.
adrienne maree brown - Emergent Strategy
Todd, N. & Wade, A. (1994). Parallel objectifying practices: Domination, deficiency and psychotherapy. Calgary: The Calgary Participator.
Music in the episode by: https://www.bensound.com

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021

Wednesday May 05, 2021
De-centering Whiteness in Therapy with Gabes Torres and Melody Li
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
We are back for a new season! For the month of May, we will have the honor of hearing from Gabes Torres. Gabes is a Filipino/a/x psychotherapist, organizer, and member of the Speaking of Racism community + Advisory Board.
Melody Li joined Gabes for this episode to discuss de-centering whiteness in Therapy.
Melody Is a colony-born migrant & settler, therapist of Color, and mental health justice activist.
They created Inclusive Therapists (www.inclusivetherapists.com): a social justice-oriented mental health directory and community that celebrates the strengths & centers the needs of marginalized communities.
They also lead a mental health justice movement to decolonize, disrupt and dismantle oppressive mental health practices. In community, they restore, reimagine & reclaim our healing.
Melody believes that all people with all identities & abilities in all bodies deserve equal access to quality mental health care.

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Fighting The Rise Of Xenophobia with Kathy Khang: Replay
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
We are replaying this episode with Kathy Kang from March 22nd, 2020.
We stand in solidarity with the AAPI community and commit to end white supremacist delusion.
Today's episode is with writer, speaker, yoga teacher, and social justice advocate Kathy Khang. Kathy joined Tina and Jen to talk about what life is like for the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the era of the coronavirus. They discuss the dangerous rhetoric coming from the president, the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes, and so much more.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Black History Month Reflections
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
On this week's episode of Speaking of Racism, you'll hear from 5 of our Board Members as they reflect on Black History Month.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Black History Moment with Tina Strawn
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
We are kicking off our Black History Month series with Speaking of Racism owner and co-host, Tina Strawn. Tune in and listen as Tina highlights two people who have impacted her: Alice Walker, and her debate and speech teacher- Electra Kitchin.
Stay tuned for more BHM moments from our board members this month!